By doing what you naturally do.
Lyqness allows you to quickly ask and answer questions and discover how your responses are similar to others — for a single question or any group of questions.
Lyqness allows you to quickly ask and answer questions and discover how your responses are similar to others — for a single question or any group of questions.
You can easily ask a variety of question types including: single choice, multiple choices,choose in order, ranking, ratings or choose by picture.
You quickly answer questions by selecting your choices and clicking the button. Easy, peasy!
Click on the highlighted counts to see who had that choice. You will be able to see your similarity score and how many people selected a choice. Click and see who they are.
Share questions via text, social posts, or copy and paste. Tag questions to share your favorites. Add a hashtag to your question to share with the crowd.
You can click on any user to view their feed, questions that they asked/answered/etc., and questions that have been tagged by a user or the crowd. Lyqness shows how you are similar to others in real time.